Buffalo Skyway Competition


In August, our team was recognized as one of nine finalists for the Buffalo Skyway Competition. Lake Erie For All is a proposal that reimagines the Skyway in Buffalo. The design team led by Andrew Vesselinovitch: included Civic Projects, Studio Bryan Hanes, Iteris, Dharam Consulting, Robert Simons, Jonathan Katz, Frits Abell and Christian Queresmo.

This proposal is inspired by Olmsted's vision of connecting his earlier parks to the north. This vision would replace the Buffalo Skyway's elevated expressway with an Olmsted Parkway and remove the high-level bridge. The Outer Harbor would see a new Olmsted Park; new infill real estate development on land previously occupied or made less usable by the Skyway; a "Ship Canal Promenade"; and a Buffalo Sculpture Park. A new lift bridge would connect the Inner and Outer Harbor and a number of interchanges and weave segments along I-190 would be removed or simplified to address traffic. A new light rail extension to the Outer Harbor is also envisioned.

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